Friday 16 April 2021

What Is the Difference Between a Gantry Crane and an Overhead Crane?

Overhead HOT crane vs Gantry crane

Gantry crane vs overhead crane: Four main types of overhead cranes are available. This portion is devoted to the Cranes of the Overhead Bridge. If you're looking for an overhead crane, a Jib Crane, a Gantry Crane, a Monorail Crane.

Overhead heavyduty  gantry crane: This sort of bridge crane works along the length of a building on an elevated runway system. It is usable in an arrangement of both single and double girder bridges. Also, bridge cranes work on the movement of hooks on three axes. This allows for the versatility needed to position and place loads very gently.



There are different kinds of overhead HOT cranes, many of which are highly specialized, but the vast majority of facilities fall into one of four categories:

1. Single Girder Cranes- The crane is made of a single girder bridge

Backed by two trucks at the end. It has a trolley hoist mechanism that runs on the bridge girder's bottom flange.

2. Double Girder Bridge Cranes- Two bridge girders supported on two end trucks make up the crane. On the top of the bridge girders, the trolley runs on the tracks.

3. Gantry goliath Cranes- These cranes are the same as normal overhead cranes, except that two or more legs running on fixed rails or other runways rigidly support the bridge for carrying the trolley or trolley. The supporting runway and column system are replaced by these "legs" and run on a rail either embedded in or laid on top of the floor.

4. Monorail- Only a trolley hoist is needed for certain applications, such as production assembly line or service line. I-beams such as those used in the ceiling systems of several factories are used to build this type of crane. The trolleys on the lower horizontal bars of the beam travel along the flat surface. With the exception that the crane does not have a moveable bridge and the hoisting trolley operates on a fixed girder, the hoisting system is equivalent to a single girder crane.

Overhead goliath gantry crane

A gantry goliath crane, which is a device used to straddle an entity or workspace, is a crane mounted on top of a gantry. They are often referred to as portal cranes, the empty room straddled by the gantry being the 'portal'. A portal crane is a type of overhead crane that is similar to a bridge crane, except the crane uses legs to support the bridge, trolley, and hoist rather than traveling on suspended runways. On tires or rails that are embedded in the floor or ground structure, these legs move

A crane is a machine able to lift and lower heavy objects and move objects from one position to another. Generally, an overhead HOT crane consists of three different motions:

1.The hoist, which raises and lowers the stuff, is the first motion.

2. The second is the trolley (cross travel), which enables the hoist to be placed for positioning directly above the material.

3. The third is the movement of the gantry or bridge (long travel), which enables the whole crane to be pushed around the work area.

Cranes, which can lift objects but can not move them sideways, are distinct from hoists. According to their key operational requirements, the nature of overhead cranes varies widely, such as the type of motion of the crane frame, weight and load type, crane position, geometric characteristics, operating regimes, and environmental conditions.

Also Read:- Industries That Use Overhead Hot Crane

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